Cell Polarity Balancing & Biological Wellbeing Program

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Understanding The Use of Magnets and Health

The use of magnets is a groundbreaking approach to restoring health, once utilized by NASA.  This method impacts wellbeing at a cellular level by affecting the electrical charge within the cells. 

We’ve found that, in combination with a Bio-Wellbeing Program, it helps your body to correct its natural magnetic polarities, which can neutralize diseases and pathogens (removing viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites). It promotes normal immune system function, regulates circulation, pH, and oxygenation, thus normalizing the body’s response to inflammation, and has many other positive effects on our bodies.


This is one of the best natural and safe methods that actually allows the body to return to a natural state of health.

Can Systemic Polarity Balancing Help People?

Yes it can!  Many people have turned to different wellbeing methods when Allopathic Medicine had no answers, or did not offer enough support to improve their condition.

Systemic Polarity Balancing does not aim to treat specific symptoms, but rather to balance the body systems and their magnetic polarities, allowing the body to naturally return to a state of vital health. 

Because of this, people of any age, gender, race, and religious belief, from any profession or social status and with any health condition, have experienced the benefits of this groundbreaking Scientific-Holistic therapy!

You don’t have to interrupt any medical treatment because we are not treating your diagnosed condition, we will be reinforcing your BIOELECTROMAGNETIC COHERENCE which is one of the fundamental aspects of life and health.

We have found in many people that while they come to address one condition, after following a series of sessions for a few months, in addition to their main condition improving, they also notice other benefits such as better sleep,  disappearance of seasonal allergies, improved digestion and lessened food intolerances, a return to hormonal balance, mental fog has lifted, and better moods with mental and emotional balance, just to name a few.  

The symptoms of your condition may not be the root cause of your problem, but an echo from a disrupted bioelectromagnetic communication between your systems!

Conditions Which Benefit from Systemic Polarity Balancing

Remember that we do not treat medical conditions, however, people with the following conditions have benefitted from following a Natural Biological Wellbeing Program in combination with Systemic Polarity Balancing:

  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Anemia
  • Anxiety
  • Arrhythmia
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Back, Neck, Joints and Muscle Pain
  • Cancer
  • Candida
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Emotional Issues
  • Eczema
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Flu
  • Fungus
  • Glandular Dysfunctions
  • Heartburn
  • Herpes
  • Hepatitis
  • High Cholesterol
  • HIV
  • Impotency
  • Infertility
  • Low Libido
  • Lyme Disease
  • Lupus
  • Low Energy
  • Meningitis
  • Menopause and
    Pre-Menopause Symptoms
  • Migraines
  • Parasites
  • Parkinson’s
  • pH Imbalance
  • PMS

Successful data for the treatment of other conditions such as personality disorders and mental and emotional conditions is currently being gathered and researched.

FAQs About Systemic Polarity Balancing

Are there side effects with the use of Systemic Polarity Balancing? 
There are no known side effects from Systemic Polarity Balancing.  The magnets used do not affect the body in any negative way.  Occasionally, people may experience a mild detoxification effect, due to the body eliminating the pathogens which have perished as a result of the pH balancing.  Typically after a session people feel relaxed and energized.

Is there any case in which someone should not receive Systemic Polarity Balancing?
If you are pregnant or have a pacemaker, insulin pump, or other electromagnetic device, please contact us to see if sessions are appropriate for you.

If you or a loved one has received Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy within the past year or are planning on starting Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy we offer other modalities which are more suitable to use.  Please contact us to find out more.

If I don’t present a specific illnesses can Systemic Polarity Balancing still help me?
YES it can!  The Ki of Living method combines Systemic Polarity Balancing with Breathing Techniques, Homeostatic Fitness, Regenerative Visualization, and a Balanced Somatotype Nutritional Lifestyle to promote optimal health, quality of life, and longevity.


DISCLAIMER: Any suggestions made by The Ki of Living or Services provided by The Ki of Living are not medical diagnoses, exams, prescriptions, advice, or treatments, etc., nor substitutes for medical diagnoses, exams, prescriptions, advice, or treatments, etc.  With respect to any medical conditions or concerns you may have, The Ki of Living advises you to consult with your doctor.

The Ki of Living is neither a medical entity nor medical establishment.  You should understand that any and all people involved including, but not limited to, associates, employees, agents and representatives of The Ki of Living are not, nor have they claimed to be, doctors, primary care physicians/licensed physicians, health care providers, etc., and you should not view them as such, nor as any type of medical professionals.  The Ki of Living does not treat or diagnose medical conditions or handle medical emergencies.  If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. 

Any suggestions made, information shared, and/or Services offered or provided by The Ki of Living may or may not have been evaluated, registered, or approved by the FDA.  The Ki of Living has not made and does not make any offer or attempt to cure, and has never claimed to offer a cure for anything including, but not limited to, conditions, disorders, or diseases.  Any of the services provided by The Ki of Living are not meant to replace any medical treatment you may currently be receiving.  If you are taking any medications or undergoing any treatments or health regimens while participating in any Services provided by The Ki of Living, do not change or stop such medications, treatments, or regimens without first consulting your doctor.